笔趣阁 > 都市言情 > 霉*******词 > I Can Fix Him (No Really I C

I Can Fix Him (No Really I C

    The smoke cloud billows out his mouth


    Like a freight train through a small town


    The jokes that he told across the bar


    Were revolting and far too loud


    They shake their heads, saying, "God help her" when I

    人们纷纷摇头叹息说道 “上帝保佑她”

    Tell 'em he's my man


    But your good Lord doesn't need to lift a finger


    I can fix him, no really I can


    And only I can


    The dopamine races through his brain


    On a six-lane Texas highway


    His hand, so calloused from his pistol

    他握枪的手 满是老茧

    Softly traces hearts on my face

    却轻抚着我的脸颊 勾勒出心形图案

    And I could see it from a mile away


    A perfect case for my certain skillset


    He had a halo of the highest grade


    He just hadn't met me yet


    They shake their heads, saying, "God help her" when I

    人们纷纷摇头叹息说道 “上帝保佑她”

    Tell 'em he's my man


    But your good Lord doesn't need to lift a finger


    I can fix him, no really I can


    And only I can


    Good boy, that's right


    Come close, I'll show you heaven


    If you'll be an angel all night


    Trust me, I can handle me a dangerous man


    No really I can


    They shook their heads, saying, "God help her" when I

    人们纷纷摇头叹息说道 “上帝保佑她”

    Told 'em he's my man undefined

    当他们得知他是我的爱人 (我告诉他们他是我的爱人)

    But your good Lord didn't need to lift a finger


    I can fix him, no really I can undefined

    我能叫他改头换面真的我能做到 (真的我能做到)

    Whoa, maybe I can't

    Whoa 或许我高估了自己

新书推荐: 她与刀红[悬疑] 苟在末世的小人物 囚崖 拯救世界?拿错剧本了 推荐快穿言情小说 窃玉 既见君子 成为某个古代人脑中系统的日子 红娘她不务正业只搞钱 云端列车[创业]