笔趣阁 > 都市言情 > 霉*******词 > The Manuscript

The Manuscript

    Now and then she re-reads the manuscript

    时过境迁 她偶尔会重读那段炽热的恋情

    Of the entire torrid affair


    They compared their licenses


    He said, "I'm not a donor but

    他说 “虽然我不是器官捐赠者

    I'd give you my heart if you needed it"

    但如果你需要 我愿意把我的心给你”

    She rolled her eyes and said, "You're a professional"

    她翻了个白眼 说道 “你真有职业素养”

    He said, "No, just a Good Samaritan"

    他否认道 “不我只是乐于助人罢了”

    He said that if the sex was half as good as the conversation was


    Soon they’d be pushing strollers


    But soon it was over


    In the age of him she wished she was thirty


    And made coffee every morning in a French press


    Afterward she only ate kids' cereal

    而如今 她只吃着儿童麦片

    And couldn't sleep unless it was in her mother's bed


    Then she dated boys who were her own age


    With dartboards on the backs of their doors


    She thought about how he said


    Since she was so wise beyond her years


    Everything had been above board


    She wasn't sure


    And the years passed like scenes of a show


    The professor said to write what you know


    Looking backwards might be the only way


    To move forward


    Then the actors were hitting their marks


    And the slow dance was alight with the sparks


    And the tears fell in synchronicity with the score


    And at last


    She knew what the agony had been for


    The only thing that's left is the manuscript

    如今 唯独剩下那份手稿

    One last souvenir from my trip to your shores


    Now and then I re-read the manuscript

    时过境迁 我偶尔会重读那段炽热的恋情

    But the story isn't mine anymore


新书推荐: 她*******羊 我心予你 昔楹记事 玄门师祖三岁半[娃综/玄学] 重生之七十年代小白花的上门丈夫 妩媚的人生 月亮知道我爱你[暗恋] 追妃记 郡主她被迫披马甲 满级机械大佬在职场综艺当对照组